Sam's Place and Machuga Heights

Housing Cancellation Requests

《十大博彩推荐排名》是一份具有约束力的协议,有效期为整个学年或剩余部分. 任何终止住宿的学生都必须遵守《十大博彩推荐排名》以及所有其他适用的学院指导方针中列出的条款.


Residence License and Dining Services Agreement

学生只有在符合以下标准之一的情况下才会被解除合同,这些标准是通过NEST和支持支持文件确认的. Requests submitted without supporting documentation will not be reviewed:

  • Withdrawal/Leave of Absence
  • Academic Dismissal
  • Study Abroad
  • Student Conduct (removal from housing)
  • Winter Graduation

在大学审查完整的申请和支持文件后,可能会考虑解除学生的合同,原因如下. Requests submitted without supporting documentation will not be reviewed. Releases are not guaranteed.

  • Financial Constraints
  • Medical
  • Other

上述标准是学生可能被解除住房合同的唯一原因. 如果学生觉得他们的推理不属于这些类别之一,他们可以提交一份书面声明和支持文件,并将其归类为其他类别. Requests submitted without supporting documentation will not be reviewed. 退房,上下班,或者搬到校外住宿地 does not qualify as being released from the housing contract, and does not make you eligible for a housing or board refund. 请阅读下面关于离开住房的每个标准的具体信息.

Reasons for a Housing Cancellation Request

Withdrawals/Leave of Absence

学生请假或休学必须通过教务处办理. Below are the steps that will occur when going through this process:

  1. Go to the Add/Drop and Withdrawal 浏览红鹰中心的网页,以检讨他们的离职/请假程序.
  2. 注册主任办公室将通知住宿生活办公室,学生已被批准退学或请假. Once Housing receives this information, it will be communicated to the staff of the student’s building.
  3. 在注册办公室和居住生活办公室批准申请后24小时内, the student must vacate their current housing assignment. To vacate a housing assignment, the student must:
    • Remove all belongings from his/her room and ensure the room is clean.
    • Report to the front desk staff to sign the Room Condition Report (RCR).
    • 将所有钥匙(房间,浴室,前门,邮箱)归还给前台工作人员. 未归还所有钥匙的学生将被收取不合理的退房费用.


Study Abroad

计划出国留学的学生需要将他们的旅行计划通知住宿生活办公室. The Office of Residence Life will cancel their housing assignment. If you are studying abroad for the fall semester, the $300.00美元的住房申请费将只适用于下一个春季学期.


Get More Information on Studying Abroad
Academic Action

被停学或开除的学生将在下一学期或学年的住房分配中被取消. 返回学校后选择返回住房的学生可以通过RMS提交申请,要求住在校园内.

Student Conduct

通过学生行为管理程序暂时或永久离开住所的学生将从他们的住房分配中删除,但是 will not be subjected to any housing or meal plan refunds.

Contract Release Instructions

在签订年度住房合同后发生重大经济或医疗困难的学生可能有资格获得合同解除, provided they meet certain criteria. 认为自己有理由被释放的学生将需要在学校的 Residential Management System (RMS) and submit all supporting documents as instructed. Requests submitted without supporting documentation will not be reviewed.

在提交完整的取消请求和所有适用文件后, 居住生活办公室将审查学生的请求,并在十(10)个工作日内作出决定.


被批准解除合同的学生将收到电子邮件,确认他们已经被释放,并根据释放日期和学术日历提供有关如何以及何时搬出的任何说明. 从春季宿舍释放出来的学生没有资格在寒假期间留下来,并且需要在秋季学期结束前腾出他们的宿舍.

If a student does not meet the criteria for an agreement release, 他们将承担整个学年的所有住宿和餐饮费用. 退房,上下班,或者搬到校外宿舍 does not qualify as being released from the housing agreement, and does not make you eligible for a housing or board refund. 所有学生必须得到居住生活办公室的批准才能从他们的协议中解脱出来.

Directions to Submit a Cancellation Request

Step 1

Log into the Residential Management System (RMS) with your NetID and password.

Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Review the directions to request a housing cancellation.

Step 5

Complete the “Reason for Cancellation Request” section by:

  • Selecting a cancellation reason from the drop down menu.
  • 如果在下拉菜单中选择了“其他”部分,则在“其他”部分中提供简短的描述.
  • 通过点击左边的绿色加号按钮提交支持文档.
Step 6

Click “Finish” at the bottom of the page. 如果你没有点击“完成”,你的住房取消申请将不会被提交!